Let's match you with a therapist

tell a little bit about what you're looking for

Are you seeking therapy for any of the following (select all that apply)?
Do you want your therapist to have expertise in any of the following issues? Expertise is defined by at least 5 years experience in the field, postgraduate training, and/or having done extensive research on this subject.
Which type of therapy do you think would be most helpful to you (select all that apply)?
Which of the following characteristics do you most value in a therapist?
Would you like your therapist to incorporate any of the following into your sessions?
Identify as?
I am between the ages of?
What is the ideal location for your therapy sessions (select all that apply)?
Many therapists in New York city are out-of-network providers, If you have out-of-network benefits, how much would you want to pay out of pocket to see a therapist (select all that apply)? Note: if you have out-of-network insurance most insurance companies will reimburse you between 60-80% of the cost for out-of-network providers once your deductible is met.
If you would like to stay in-network only, please select your insurance carrier below. Note: selecting an insurance carrier will significantly limit your therapist matches but it will be more cost effective
Is there anything else you would like us to know?